Tanner and I are all about good treats, especially the ones that help to keep us healthy. So we're joining up with the Event Barkers gang to help promote the #BarkFriday #FueltheLove Twitter Party. I get to be one of the cohosts and talk about having fun during the holidays. It's a tough gig, but somepuppy has to do it. It sure won't be Tanner. He's just not too up on Twitter.
Watch our buddies for more information on all these goings on. I think they do a better job than I do at getting the inside track: AllThingsDogBlog.com, DogTipper.com, ToDogWithLove.com.
Your part is pretty much the same as mine, except you get to have a chance to win prizes. Me? Not so much. All you have to do to have a bunch of chances to win are (1) RSVP below, and (2) join us on Twitter at 12 PM ET on November 29. Mom calls that day Black Friday, but I think she made a typo on the party name. Anyways, I think #BarkFriday is much more appropriate since I love to bark. Don't forget that there's 2 hashtags this time: #BarkFriday #FueltheLove.
Can you "Speak"? That's one of my favorite skills. Mom says we'll be taking a Vine video of me speaking and that our party participants can enter to win prizes by posting a Vine video of their dog in any activity. More details on that to come Sunday. Be sure to come back and read up.
Tomorrow I'll have some Tweets for you to share. You can also win by Tweeting about this treat-filled party. I've got all the instructions for embedding (did I spell that right?) my Tweets right here. You'll be able to send out these Tweets with one click, and you won't even need opposable thumbs.
Before I move on to the RSVP, don't forget that you can also find Zuke's on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram where you'll see lots of active dogs.
Here's an example of how to fill in the RSVP form below. See you tomorrow for more deets on Tweets!

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